
Marple Bridge & Mellor

Open Gardening

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Wednesday mornings 9:45 am
2nd Wednesday each month
Venue: Marple Methodist Church (use side door)

Marple Bridge and Mellor Open Gardening Group

All U3A members welcome. £3 per meeting. Do come along

The group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Marple Methodist Church Hall, Church Lane, Marple.

Talks on all aspects of gardening and horticulture are presented at our Gardening Group meetings together with practical demonstrations on such topics as increasing your plant stock by cuttings, or how to fill hanging baskets to make a fabulous display, and there are occasional outings to gardens of all kinds.

You don’t have to have an acre of land or even a garden. Perhaps you only have a window box or a plant pot or none of them. If you have any interest in gardening at all – even if it is simply watching Gardeners World while Monty Don does the work, then why not come along and join us. A charge of (currently) £3.00 per meeting is made which includes coffee or tea. Refreshments are served from 9.45am., the meeting proper commencing at 10am.

As this is an Open meeting, members from other local U3As are welcome to attend. You do not have to feel obliged to come to each meeting but as we run a plant stall, if you don’t come you might miss the plant vital for that odd bit of garden!

See Newsletter for information regarding forthcoming meetings and outings.

Convenor: Margaret - telephone 0161 449 8571.

Forthcoming events

13th November 2024

Elizabeth Maddock - Talk on Succulents

Elizabeth Maddock is a member of the British Succulent Society.Elizabeth will give a talk on Succulents and will bring plants to sell at the end of the meeting.