
Marple Bridge & Mellor

French Conversation

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: French Conversation group
When: on Thursday mornings 10:00 am-11:30 am
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday
Venue: Windsor Castle Pub
Cost: £2 for tea and biscuits

French Conversation – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 9-30am, at the Windsor Castle.

Nous sommes un groupe très amical et nous profitons de la compagnie des autres dans le groupe. Nous nous rencontrons deux fois par mois – tous les deuxième et quatrième jeudis.

Our French group is a friendly and sociable group learning with and from each other. We meet twice a month – on the second and fourth Thursdays. It consists of people who have at least a basic understanding of French, mainly having studied to an O level or equivalent, also those who have studied French to a higher level in the past.

Meetings begin with some enjoyable homework presentations. These are very informal and certainly not compulsory, in fact one of our members normally says “le chien a mangé mes devoirs”. (The dog has eaten my homework.) We then look at or listen to texts in French from lots of different sources, including French newspapers, magazines and books, and on a wide variety of subjects.

I do not profess to be a “French” teacher, but having lived in France for a few years I am able to bring some real life experiences and at times actual French documentation to our meetings. Different from some groups that teach formal grammar we are more interested in the enjoyment or conversational side either for pure fun or to assist us as needed.

We meet every second and fourth Thursdays at the Windsor Castle at 10:00am.

A bientôt

Convenor: Anyone interested in joining us please contact me using this link, Shirley or phone 0161 366 8223.